James Jupp
Dr James Jupp AM is an Adjunct Associate Professor in the Australian Demographic and Social Research Institute at the ANU.
He was born in Croydon, England in 1932 and educated at Whitgift School, Croydon, and the London School of Economics (1951–1956) with degrees in Sociology and Political Science. His Masters Thesis was published in 1982 as “The Radical Left in Britain 1931-1941″. He later completed his Doctorate, published in 1978 as “Sri Lanka-Third World Democracy”, retaining an interest in South Asian politics into the present.
Since graduating, Dr Jupp has taught Political Science in the University of Melbourne, the University of York (UK), the University of Waterloo (Canada) and the University of Canberra. Since joining the ANU in 1983 he has specialised in ethnic and immigration studies. His major works include “The Australian People” (1988 and 1992) and the “Encyclopedia of Religion in Australia” (2009), all with Cambridge University Press. For these and other related works he was awarded as a Member of the Order of Australia.
Dr Jupp was a major contributor to Commonwealth reports on multiculturalism and immigrant settlement during the 1980s, including a major report to the Department of Immigration “Don’t Settle for Less” in 1986 and for the Office of Multicultural Affairs in 1989 (“The Challenge of Diversity”). In recent years he has published “Multiculturalism and Integration” with the ANU Press in 2011 with the late Professor Michael Clyne. He is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences and served as its director .
In pursuit of his interests in ethnicity, migration and ethnic politics he has travelled extensively throughout the whole of Europe and in Russia, North America and southeast Asia. He is a member of the International Political Science Association and a regular participant in its conferences. He has also published jointly with colleagues from the University of Texas. He has delivered papers and lectures in countries as varied as Iceland, Macedonia and Sri Lanka.