Luke Hambly
Luke Hambly is the Program Manager for the Centre for Democratic Institutions (CDI), housed by the Crawford School in the College of Asia and the Pacific at ANU. He has been with CDI since 2005 and prior to this, Luke worked within the discipline of Anthropology at ANU, including as research assistant to the Anthropology Department in the Research School of Pacific & Asian Studies (RSPAS), and as the inaugural course Coordinator of the Master of Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development (MAAPD) in the School of Archaeology and Anthropology. In 2004 Luke was awarded a Masters in Applied Anthropology and Participatory Development at ANU.
Luke was employed at AusAID between 1998 and 2000 working in a variety of areas within the agency, including the PNG branch, where in 2000 he was given the opportunity to work for 3 months with the Bougainville Peace Monitoring Group as a civilian monitor on the island of Buka. In 1999 he spent 3 months in Alice Springs working with the NT Aboriginal Areas Protection Authority assisting in the registration of sacred sites within the Northern Territory of Australia.