Yon Machmudi

Yon Machmudi received his Ph.D from the Faculty of Asian Studies, The Australian National University (ANU) Canberra in 2007, specializing in Islam in Southeast Asia. He then joined as a researcher the Transliteration Project at the Department of History, National University of Singapore (2005-2006) and the contemporary Islam in Southeast Asia Project at ANU (2006). He conducted a research on the Spiritual Journey Project in collaboration with the University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA (2008-2009). His current research is on the Perceptions of Indonesia in the Middle East (2010-2011) and the Decline of Kyais’ Authority in Pesantren (2011-2012). He is now a lecturer at the Arabic Studies Program, Faculty of Humanities, University of Indonesia and the head of the research and training department at the Central for Middle East and Islamic Studies, University of Indonesia. His recent publications are “The emergence of New Santri in Indonesia, Journal of Indonesian Islam, vol. 02, number 01, June 2008, “Influences of Tasawwuf toward Ikhwanul Muslimin Movement (1928-1949),” Journal of Arabia, vol. 11 no. 22 October 2008-March 2009, Islamising Indonesia: the Rise of Jemaah Tarbiyah and the Prosperous Justice Party, Anu E-press 2008 and “Intellectuals or Housemaids: the Perception of Indonesia in Saudi Arabia” Journal of Arabia, vol. 12 no. 22 March 2009-October 2009.