Enabling Learning

Enabling Learning

Language Teaching for Australian Universities

Edited by: John Kinder orcid, Nicola Fraschini orcid, Marinella Caruso orcid

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Enabling Learning: Language Teaching for Australian Universities illuminates efforts by tertiary language educators to facilitate the learning of languages at the university level. The educators’ endeavours recounted in this volume address a range of specific aspects of the language learning experience or language teaching within tertiary education institutions. The chapters offer an overview of learning approaches and experiences, from the beginner to the advanced level, of different learning environments, from the traditional to online and hybrid, and of different languages, from Indigenous to European to East Asian. This work foregrounds the relevance of improved accessibility to language learning in the university context, presents innovative educational solutions informed by the examination of specific contexts, and asserts the importance of developing intercultural competence.


ISBN (print):
ISBN (online):
Publication date:
Dec 2024
ANU Press
LCNAU Studies in Languages and Cultures
Arts & Humanities: Modern Languages; Social Sciences: Education & Training

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Enabling Learning »

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Part 1: Policies and access

  1. The L2 learning experience as the Cinderella of the L2 motivational self system (PDF, 3271 KB)Giuseppe D’Orazzi doi
  2. Transitioning to university: Online video resources for language students (PDF, 482 KB)Joshua Brown, Manuel Delicado Cantero and Solène Inceoglu doi
  3. Korean language education in Western Australia: Development and challenges (PDF, 328 KB)Nicola Fraschini, Joanna Elfving-Hwang and Yu Tao doi
  4. The role of universities in training Indigenous language workers: Developing an Australian Indigenous Languages Institute (PDF, 233 KB)Cathy Bow doi

Part 2: Language pedagogy

  1. Flipping the classroom in beginner Italian: Implications for teaching and learning (PDF, 360 KB)Marinella Caruso and Federica Verdina doi
  2. Administrative and pedagogical considerations for collaborative online Korean courses: A case study (PDF, 174 KB)Nicola Fraschini and Adrienne Gonzales doi
  3. Connections between learners’ communities of practice and their use of social language learning strategies: A case study (PDF, 454 KB)Mary Grace Quigley doi

Part 3: Intercultural language teaching

  1. Humanising translator and interpreter ethics for critical language users: A case of what the impartial model can learn from the ‘empathetic’ model (PDF, 226 KB)Maho Fukuno doi
  2. Teacher–student and student–student interaction in live online classes (PDF, 263 KB)Xiaoping Gao and Leimin Shi doi
  3. Equipping Australian Defence Force (ADF) members with the ability to influence the outcome of interactions conducted in an intercultural environment (PDF, 135 KB)Anna Ivanova doi

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